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Teachers in Thika Sub-County have vowed that they will not return to work unless the government pays them the 50-60% pay awarded to them by the Supreme Court plus its arrears. They asserted that the government was playing games with the teaching fraternity when it claimed that they had no money to pay the teachers.

Addressing teachers at the St Patricks Primary School's Grounds, Thika Branch KNUT Executive Secretary Joe Mungai Ngige declared war on the government saying that they should not under-estimate the wrath of the teachers. He warned them that teachers had the numbers to influence change if at all that was their only option. He said that teachers were ready to work with anyone who listened to their plight regardless of their political affiliations.

"Fellow teachers, the war has just began. There is no turning back now. Brace yourself for a long and tough journey ahead. Go home and start a sukumawiki or a even a hawker's business for we will be in this till the end. I know they try intimidating you but you have fight to your last breath for your rights," Mungai said.

"Tell them! 2017 will be a whole different ball game altogether. Any MCA, MP, Senator or even the President himself who does not fight on our side should be prepared for a defeat come next elections. As you go home, register in large numbers as voters and arm yourself to vote in a 'Wanjiku' as your next MCA, MP and who said that a Wanjiku cannot occupy the highest seat on this land? a visibly angry KNUT boss asked the teachers.

he asked the teachers not to be shaken by the threats from TSC officials who were threatening them of disciplinary measures, saying that they have been through such empty threats before. He asked them not to sign any attendance register at all.

"Headteachers, file zero returns in those forms since no teacher is attending classes. As for the parents, please collect your children from the school since no one is taking care of them there. just leave them there at your own risk," he added.

He attacked area teachers' SACCOs for not supporting teachers, who are their members, during this time. They should be stand in solidarity with their members for this course since they too would benefit when the war is won, he added.

Present at the gathering was the area KNUT Chairperson, J. B. Maina, its Treasurer Mr Julius Chege and all the Branch officials and BEC members.

The teachers later made a solidarity demonstration around the streets of Thika Town, singing and dancing to their self composed songs to castigate their employer TSC and the Jubilee Government. Their procession attracted curious on lookers who were caught unawares wherever they passed, almost putting the whole town to a halt.

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