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More than half the country satisfied with fight against graft – Infotrak poll.

Angela Ambitho is the Founder and CEO of Infotrak Research and consulting.

According to an opinion poll released by Infotrak on Sunday, more than half of Kenyans have are satisfied with the government renewed fight against corruption.

The poll shows that 52% of Kenyans believe that the government is serious on the fight against graft with 42% having a feeling that the government is not doing enough due to what they termed as “no action taken against the corrupt and lack of high profile convictions.”

The respondents cited the arrest and prosecution of high ranking individuals being led by Director of Criminal Investigations (DCI) George Kinoti and Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Noordin Haji.

They further recommended that stolen assets be recovered, in a bid to fight the long-time national problem.

Kenyans living in the North Eastern region are optimistic with ongoing crackdown at 68% followed by Nyanza at 59% with Central region coming third at 58%.

The Coast region at 52% is not optimistic about the latest efforts to get rid of the menace.

Those of the contrary opinion cited rampant corruption at 52%, others felt that there is no action taken against the corrupt (29%) and lack of high-profile convictions (19%).

To eliminate the vice, sampled Kenyans recommended that the Government “should sanction the corrupt individuals (24%), recovery of all stolen assets (24pc) and arrest of high-profile people accused of corruption (17%).”

Others want the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission to be empowered more, regular audit of all institutions while 3 pc believes only prayers can slay the corruption dragon.

Some 1,500 people underwent a telephonic interview within 24 Counties, during the study conducted between November 29 and December 1.

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