Residents of Ofisni Sub-Location (popularly known as Runda), Kimuchu area of Witeithie Ward are sitting on infectious disease keg owing to lack of clean and safe water for the last one week.
The source of the problem is still a puzzle since even an official with the area sub county water department who resides in the neighbourhood, admitted to not knowing the exact reason for the water shortage.
The dry taps at home have forced the inhabitants of these place to fetch water from a local water catchment area whose safety is suspect. Several women could be seen on Wednesday fetching water, totally in disregard of contamination, with youth washing motorbikes and clothing from the same source.
The situation therefore calls for an immediate response from the Juja water department of Kiambu County to resolve the shortage if outbreaks of waterborne illnesses such as cholera and typhoid are to be avoided. This contaminated water is not at all suitable not only for the drinking but also for cooking and maintaining personal hygiene.
(Story & Photos by Wa Kamlesh)
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