Makongeni residents are a worried lot following the county government's repair of the feeder roads within the estate. After the bulldozers shoved the sand on these roads, the residents are now complaining of too much dust. The amount of dust is quite nuisance to pedestrians walking on those roads since it covers their feet ancle high. The green vegetation on the sides have now hanged colour to brownish and is no longer the beautiful sight that they used to be.
Occupants of the houses next to these roads are unable to maintain cleanliness since the dust dirties their household items. Their clothes are getting stained due to being soiled when wet.
They are now concerned that they may end up developing respiratory ailments such as pneumoconiosis caused by inhalation of dust.
The worst affected roads are the one linking Garissa Road from Polysack, Oloitiptip Road that divides Phase 4 and Phase 12 near St Mulumba Catholic Church and the one that seperates Phase 4 and Umma University. Kiosks, green groceries and food joints situated along these roads have been hardhit since customers are now evading their businesses.
Though they appreciate the county government's efforts to improve their residence, they are appealing to them to come up with some lasting solution to the dust dilemma. Meanwhile, they are requesting if it is possible to water these roads so as to tame the dust.
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