As part of its ongoing strategic efforts to stabilize the petroleum
market in the country, National Oil Corporation yesterday announced a
fuel pump price reduction of Sh3 on diesel at all their 102 service
stations countrywide. The price cut that has seen diesel retail at
Sh81.50 in Nairobi down from the ERC maximum of Sh84.56, will run until
the next petroleum prices review on Friday, August 14.
The discounted prices are available to all cash and SupaCard customers.
The price of diesel is a significant component of the cost of goods and services, given its use in transport and industrial processes.
Save you hard earned money by refiling your diesel engines at National Oil Service Stations at General Kago & Garissa Rd Junction near Bidco Oil Refineries and the one at 'Posta' Makongeni where it is now retailing at sh 81.70.
The discounted prices are available to all cash and SupaCard customers.
The price of diesel is a significant component of the cost of goods and services, given its use in transport and industrial processes.
Save you hard earned money by refiling your diesel engines at National Oil Service Stations at General Kago & Garissa Rd Junction near Bidco Oil Refineries and the one at 'Posta' Makongeni where it is now retailing at sh 81.70.
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