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Beautiful firecrackers light up the night skies as Hindus celebrate Diwali

The Hindu community across the globe gathered to celebrate Diwali, the festival of lights, in huge numbers at their temples as well as during private functions at their homes on Friday night.

In Thika, people of all walks of life, both young and old, celebrated with crackers as part of the festival, lighting up the night skies with colourful fireworks and bang sounds.

While speaking to 3T TV at Gymkhana Club, Club Secretary Devan Shah explained that the lighting of fireworks, candles, and lamps during Diwali symbolises hope, joy, and the spirit of communities coming together.

“Diwali begins with the new moon or amavasya. The crackers and fireworks symbolise the victory of light over darkness. Actually with this, we usher in the new year,” he explained.

(RELATED VIDEO: The Hindu Community in Thika light up skies with Diwali festivities)

He called on Kenyans to maintain and have hope in a brighter future despite the tough economic times.

“My message to Kenyans is be peaceful. I know we are facing very difficult times, not only in Kenya but everywhere in the world. At the end of the tunnel, there is the light and we have to look for that light and we have to persevere until the light comes. Patience is the key to a lot of life’s problems,” he concluded.

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