Fellow Kenyans,
On the 27th March, 2020 we announced a nationwide dusk-todawn curfew. Then on the 5th of April, 2020 we augmented it by
announcing the Cessation of Movement into and out of a number of
areas. Later on, more measures were announced to contain the havoc
visited upon us by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Given this trajectory, and the fact that this crisis requires a long
term strategy, I took time to reflect on “…What must be Done”.
we lift the cessation of movement ban, how will this help us fight the
Pandemic? And if we do NOT, how will the ban affect our economy,
especially, the micro business enterprises and those who derive their
livelihoods from them?
To answer these questions, I turned to our Brain Trust, made up
of the finest doctors, research scientists, and public practitioners for
counsel. And I must admit that opinion was divided on how we are to
advance against this VIRUS.
Some, including myself, wanted to open up NOW. That was, and
is still my desire. I want to OPEN UP at the earliest opportunity and
get the economy going. More so, as Kenya was ranked the third largest
economy in Sub-Sahara Africa this week.
Others held a contrary opinion. They borrowed from history,
scientific models and current experiences the world-over to argue
against opening up.
With these two viewpoints on the table, I was not dealing with
a RIGHT and a WRONG: I was caught in-between two RIGHTS. Those
who want to open up are RIGHT, and those opposed to opening up
are also RIGHT. And this clash of two RIGHTS placed me on the ‘Horns
of a DILEMMA’.
In the absence of a scientific consensus amongst experts in the
medical, research and public sectors, I asked for scenarios. I wanted to
know the worst case scenario and the best options available for us to
contain the spread of the disease without affecting the economy
irreversibly. And I wanted these scenarios built around raw facts
because we have decided to combat this pandemic in an open and
transparent manner.
Fellow Kenyans, Truth be told, if we had not taken the STRINGENT measures we
did in March 2020, the rate of infections would have peaked to
800,000 people by July 30th 2020. And if one infected person has
potential to infect two people, this number would have hit 2.4 million
people in 21 days. By the end of August, 75,000 Kenyans would
have died from this virus. But because of the early interventions we
took, we have recorded only 2,600 infections and 83 deaths.
If this is the worst case scenario, I wanted to know what the other
scenarios looked like. If we put in place all the necessary interventions
and relaxed them by only 20%, what would this look like?
According to the experts standing behind me, relaxing the
interventions by 20% would lead to 200,000 infections and 30,000
deaths by December 2020.
Further, if we relax the interventions by 40%, the infections will
peak in November 2020 with 300,000 infected and 40,000 deaths.
And if we relax them by 60%, the pandemic will peak in October with
450,000 infections and 45,000 deaths.
Although these projections are generated by a model, there is
hard evidence suggesting that countries which opened up without
proper protocols also experienced serious waves of infections. Spikes of
infections were for instance experienced after re-opening religious
gatherings in South Korea, Pakistan and Malaysia.
If this is our new reality, and we face the dilemma of easing
restrictions or continuing with them, what must we do as a country?
What is the irreducible minimum for re-opening the country? What is
the threshold below which we cannot go?
According to the professionals standing behind me, the
irreducible minimum for lifting the restrictions has three
thresholds. One, to open up, the infections must have been
contained and headed downwards.
Two, our health care system must be prepared sufficiently to
take on a surge in infections. It must not be overwhelmed at any
one point during the pandemic. Access to testing, isolation and
quarantine must be a bare minimum. Three, capacity for surveillance
and contact tracing must be in place.
The question we must ponder is whether we have met this
threshold in order to lift the restrictions. Have the cases of infections
taken a down turn, for instance? And the answer is NO. Nairobi
and Mombasa are taking the lead with new infections.
Have we met the second minimum of a prepared health system
with isolation facilities? I will answer that question by giving you two
examples. Siaya County has a ten (10) bed isolation facility and they
have already admitted nine (9) Covid-19 patients from only one incident.
Similarly, Busia County has a thirty-four (34) bed isolation
facility. And by two days ago, it was full.
If there is a surge in infections in these two counties, the health
care system will be overwhelmed. The hard question to pose here,
therefore, is whether Kenyans are prepared to nurse COVID-19 patients
in their homes if our health care system cannot handle the numbers.
Are they prepared to expose their children and the elderly to
COVID-19 patients in the close proximity of home?
And yes, we have disbursed Ksh 5 billion to the counties to
increase their health care capacity in view of this pandemic. But
to build the necessary health infrastructure for such undertakings
requires time. We must get ahead of this pandemic by creating
lead time.
Therefore, while I consider the possibility of de-escalating the
containment measures in place and conscious that Health is a shared
function - between the National and County Governments, I, have
convened an Extra-Ordinary session of the National and County
Government Co-ordinating Summit on Wednesday the 10th day
of June, 2020, to consider the following salient matters:
(i) First, to review the effectiveness of the containment
measures we have so far rolled out to break the chain of
transmission of the Coronavirus Disease;
(ii) Second, to secure the undertaking of every County
Government to deliver isolation facilities with at least 300
(iii) And thirdly, within 14 days, to develop time bound
protocols for progressive re-opening of the
Fellow Kenyans, I have applied my mind to the different scenarios presented by
our experts. And I have reconciled myself to the fact that to ‘open’ or
not to ‘open’ up is not a dilemma between a right and a wrong. It is a
dilemma between two rights.
Because of this, and fully cognizant of the irreducible minimum
given by our experts, and in keeping with the advice of the National
Security Council; I hereby DIRECT and ORDER as follows:
I. That the cessation of movement into and out of the
Eastleigh Area of Nairobi and the specific limitations in
force with respect to the Mombasa Old Town Area that is
currently in force, shall lapse at 4:00 a.m. on 7th of
June, 2020.
II. That in view of the successful containment of the disease in
the Counties of Kilifi and Kwale, the cessation of
movement into and out of the two Counties that is currently
in force, shall lapse at 4:00 a.m. on 7th of June, 2020.
III. That following stakeholder’s consultations in the education
sector - the Ministry of Education jointly with the Ministry of
Health issues and publicizes guidelines on a gradual and
progressive return to normalcy in the education sector by the
Third Term, from 1
st September, 2020. Further, that the
ministry announces the new school calendar by mid -
IV. That following consultations with interfaith and religious
organizations, the Ministries of Interior and Health within
seven days, constitutes an Inter-Faith Council, to work
out modalities and protocols of re-opening of the places of
V. That in the meantime, the ban on all forms of gatherings,
including but not limited to political gatherings, social
gatherings, including bars be and is hereby extended for a
further 30 days.
VI. That due to the evolving nature of the disease globally,
international travel restrictions are hereby extended. In the
meantime, the Ministry of Transport is directed within seven
days from the date hereof, to engage all Key
Stakeholders and develop protocols to guide
resumption of local air travel.
VII. That due to the increase in patterns of infections, the
cessation of movement into and out of the Nairobi
Metropolitan Area, Mombasa and Mandera be further
extended by 30 days.
VIII. To accord all Kenyans the opportunity to enjoy a full-day’s
work, the nationwide dusk-to-dawn curfew currently in
force until today the 6
th June, 2020, be and is extended
for a further 30 days. However, the commencement
time for the same is varied from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00
p.m.; with the end time for the same being varied from
5:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m.
Therefore, effective 7th
June, 2020 the national wide dusk-to-dawn Curfew
will run from 9:00 O’clock in the evening to 4:00
O’clock in the morning.
Fellow Kenyans, Recognizing that the negative impact of COVID-19 is not limited to
health care, my Administration has made targeted interventions to
protect our economy.
At the outset of this pandemic, my administration injected KSh.
216 Billion back into the Economy through tax refunds, rebates and
waivers. In the second phase we have further rolled-out Ksh. 53.7
Billion under the 8-point stimulus package to reinvigorate our
And on Madaraka day, I announced that a total of Ksh 2 billion
would be injected into the hotel industry to cushion them from the
effects of this pandemic. Modalities of how these resources will be
shared are to be released next week.
Finally, I wish to assure each and every Kenyan that I shall do all
that is necessary to limit the negative effects of COVID-19 on our
People, Economy and Way of Life. Rest assured, my Administration will
restore our lost livelihoods, our lost opportunities and our lost wealth.
I call on all Kenyans, particularly landlords and employers, to put
people before profits during these testing times.
Permit me to close by saying that this Disease is beatable if we
work together; listen to and apply the regulations, guidelines and
protocols issued by the Ministry of Health; and keep our eyes on slaying
the enemy.
Thank You and God Bless You; and God Bless Kenya.
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