Amazing health benefits of eating Pineapples.
Pineapple or Ananas
comosus is an incredibly delicious and healthy tropical fruit.
This tropical fruit is packed with nutrients, antioxidants and other helpful compounds, such as enzymes that can fight inflammation and disease.
The power of pineapple also lies in its digestibility, its natural sweetness and of course, its affordability.
Pineapple and its compounds have been linked to many health benefits, including aiding digestion boosting immunity and speeding up recovery from surgery, among others.
Many studies have suggested that increasing consumption of plant foods like pineapples decreases the risk of obesity, overall mortality, diabetes, and heart disease.
It also promotes a healthy complexion and hair, increased energy, and an overall lower weight.
Boosting body immunity
Pineapple is also a rich source in Vitamin A and Beta-Carotene, which helps your immune system, eyesight and protects from free radicals; Vitamins B1 and B6 which are good for energy production and the breakdown of sugars and starches in your digestive system; copper, which helps red blood cell synthesis; and potassium, which assists in controlling the heart rate and blood pressure.
Eating a cup of pineapple (also known as ananas) chunks helps one to reap the amazing benefits, such as boosting immunity, improving bone and eye health and aiding in digestion.
It is also anti-inflammatory in nature and helps in curing coughs and colds and accelerating weight loss. Pineapples can boost bone health, help you shed belly fat, and offer immune support when you are trying to fend off bad bacteria.
The Bromelain enzyme is generally found in the stem or core of a pineapple and helps to digest food by breaking down the protein particles within it. Promoting a healthy digestive system, it’s great for a natural detox and has also been known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-clotting properties.
Pineapples also contain trace amounts of vitamins A and K, phosphorus, zinc and calcium. They are especially rich in vitamin C and manganese, providing 131% and 76% of the daily recommendations, respectively.
Vitamin C is essential for growth and development, a healthy immune system and aiding the absorption of iron from the diet.
Strong bones
Manganese is a naturally occurring mineral that aids growth, maintains a healthy metabolism and has antioxidant properties.
Pineapple may help you keep standing tall and strong. The fruit contains nearly 75% of the daily-recommended value of the mineral manganese, which is essential in developing strong bones and connective tissue, according to the Linus Pauling Institute.
Checking obesity.
Pineapple is also low in
calories, sodium, saturated fats and cholesterol while being a rich source of
fibre, so it’s the perfect weight loss food.
For all its sweetness, one cup of pineapple chunks contains only 82 calories. Pineapples are also fat-free, cholesterol-free and low in sodium. Not surprisingly, they do contain sugar, with 16 grams per cup.
Manganese mineral is an
essential element for energy production, while protecting your cells from free
radicals. It helps your body use key nutrients including thiamine and biotin,
keeps your bones healthy and helps synthesise fatty foods.
Eye health
Pineapples can help reduce the risk of macular degeneration, a disease that affects the eyes as people age, due in part to its high amount of vitamin C and the antioxidants it contains.
Blood clot reduction
Flores noted that because of their bromelain levels, pineapples can help reduce excessive coagulation of the blood. This makes pineapple a good snack for frequent fliers and others at risk for blood clots.
Pineapple contains dietary fiber, which is essential in keeping you regular and in keeping your intestines healthy. It contains significant amounts of bromelain, an enzyme that breaks down protein, possibly helping digestion.
They function as proteases, which break down protein molecules into their building blocks, such as amino acids and small peptides.
Once protein molecules are broken down, they are more easily absorbed across the small intestine. This can be especially helpful for people with pancreatic insufficiency, a condition in which the pancreas cannot make enough digestive enzymes.
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