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Kiganjo group, first beneficiaries of Jungle empowerment programme.

Thika MP Patrick Wainaina handing over the keys of one of the motorbikes to Regina Maina. Regina is one of the first beneficiaries of  the Jungle Empowerment Programmes that aims to uplift the standards of living for Thika residents.
Thika Town Constituency empowerment program was officially launched on Saturday with the mission to develop enterprising skills among the residents and create wealth as well as jobs.

While presenting three motorbikes worth about KES. 300,000 to Makongeni 20 Ups self-help group at a brief ceremony held in Kiganjo Estate, area MP Eng. Patrick Wainaina urged Thika residents to take advantage of the programme to uplift their living standards and create more jobs for the prosperity of all.

Regina Maina, John Mwaniki and David Kamau rode on a brand new motorbike worth KES. 100,000 each after saving money with the group for the past 1½ years under the programme.

Jungle Foundation guaranteed them an interest-free loan of KES. 300,000 after the group had managed to save KES. 150,000. This money was aimed at helping them achieve their goals to own bodaboda bikes. They are expected to pay the loan for a maximum 2 years.

The initiative’s main goal is to train people to start and run formal businesses through teaching them basic business management such as record-keeping. The program offers startup loans, asset financing and working capital credit on top of mentorship with the aim of transitioning these businesses into the formal SMEs.

This is expected to create jobs and improve the economic standards of the people of Thika.

“It is my dream to see Thika grow and its people get financially empowered. I call upon Thika residents to form groups that will make it easier for us to assist them in their mission to grow economically,” said the MP.

The MP urged the group members to make adequate use of the skills they acquired during the entrepreneurship training spearheaded by the Jungle Hela team. He told them that as the first beneficiaries of this programme, they should be conscious of the fact that they were the ambassadors of the empowerment Programme and their ability to use this opportunity to uplift themselves economically would determine the success and sustainability of this scheme ‘as to whom much is given, much is expected’.

“You cannot afford to fail the people of Thika by misusing these privilege. You must set a very good example as the pioneer group. Any attempt to breach our agreement shall be compelled and any thought of jeopardising the programme through default of payment will be a big disservice to other potential beneficiaries and should never in any way be contemplated,” Wainaina told the beneficiaries.

He reiterated his promise to the people of Thika that he would work tirelessly round the clock to kick out poverty from the constituency and the country at large through similar programmes.

An elated Makongeni 20 Ups Chairman Danson Gitau could not hide his joy over the new developments. 

He acknowledged the ease at which they were granted the loan and encouraged other groups to join this programme as it was one of the ways they could achieve their dream missions.

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