REVEALED! Butchers using ‘killer’ chemicals in our meat.
There is overwhelming scientific evidence that toxic
preservatives are being used in the meat that retailers are serving their
customers in Kenya.
In an exposé by The
Nation, it was revealed that meat merchants in butcheries and supermarkets
have been using unregulated preservatives to help them preserve meat for as
long as 3 months.
Sodium metabisulphite, a chemical bought from chemists and
agrovets for Sh. 650 per 500g, is still in excessive use despite the health
hazards it poses.
The chemical (‘dawa ya nyama’ as it is popularly referred to by the butchers) is a whitish,
powdery compound that looks like glucose which is particularly popular in
‘slow’ months such as January when the demand for meat is low. It is usually mixed with water and then
sprayed on the meat to give it a crisp, reddish colour, which makes customers
believe that the beef is fresh even if the carcass could have stayed for up to
a month.
Laboratory tests carried out on meat samples purchased from
supermarkets and butcheries in Nairobi and environs revealed the presence of
the preservative, which scientists say is one of the agents that cause cancer.
By international standards, fresh meat is not supposed to
contain any preservative. In 1986, the US Food and Drug Authority (FDA) banned
the use of sulphites to preserve fresh fruits and vegetables following
scientific investigations that linked the preservatives to 13 deaths.
The lawyer representing the Center for Science in the Public
Interest, a consumer advocacy group, described sulphites as the “hidden killer”
in an article published by The New York Times.
The article noted that many restaurants and salad bars used
sulphites to keep fruits and vegetables fresh-looking. This caused several
incidents and deaths that came to be known as the “salad bar deaths”.
Sulphites are used to preserve fruits and vegetables to
prevent “unpleasant browning”. They are also used on dried fruit and sausages,
shrimp and lobsters, to prevent ‘black spots’ in wines and to discourage
bacterial growth. Sometimes they are also used to bleach food starches.
In Kenya, undeclared and hidden sulphites in the form of
sodium metabisulphite are used by amateurs in unregulated amounts, posing
danger to consumers. Sometimes, the chemicals are used to preserve foods such
as githeri and beans in restaurants.
The sulphite can combine with anything in your body, for
example sodium benzoic (another preservative) to produce benzene which is
highly carcinogenic.
Though the use of sulphites in processed foods in not new,
and they are found in many processed foods as colourings and preservatives,
they are known to release sulphur dioxide, which makes asthma symptoms worse. Scientists
attribute the many allergies common in both children and adults to the
excessive use of colourings and preservatives.
Sulphites cause skin allergies, gastrointestinal
complications, diarrhoea and vomiting.
While the use of sulphites is regulated in most countries,
in Kenya, the regulation is unclear, and public health authorities seem unaware
that such a lethal preservative is being used to preserve meat.
In the US, the
FDA requires the presence of sulphites to be declared and labelled.
Sulphur is known to have a distinct, unmissable taste.
If your meat tastes sugary, you can almost be certain that a
sulphite was used to chemically preserve it.
There is a growing population of people sensitive to
sulphites and countless studies have focused on people with strong allergic
reactions to sulphites. People with asthma, the studies have established, stand
a higher chance of sulphite sensitivity.
Sulphite reactions range from nausea and diarrhoea to
shortness of breath and fatal shock.
(Source: The Daily Nation)
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