By Alison
Kabaara Kiriinya
The Chama fad has well and truly infected the women of Thika town. Why? A Chama gives women the opportunity to form groups, get to know one another, and more importantly to save money together.
The question is, however, can the idea of the Chama be taken
to the next level? Can women move beyond the catch-up sessions and become
serious businesspeople? The answer is yes. Below are some pointers to help you
style up your Chama.
1. Be choosy about
the members
When you start a Chama, make sure you include people who are
like-minded and share your values and business goals. For example, you do not
form a Chama for buying foodstuffs every month with people who are trying to
save up to start a business. Your values will clash at some point. You should
also not invite members who have a problem honoring financial obligations or
who lack integrity.
2. Have clear
objectives for your group
The objectives of the group need to be set out clearly at
the beginning. Every member needs to know the reason for joining the Chama, and
what they will get out of it. At this point, any member who feels that they are
not in agreement with the group objectives should opt out.
3. Have a clear plan
of action
This should be agreed on by all members. For example, a
group could decide to operate a merry-go-round for the first six months to
build trust among members. They could then move on to lending money within the
group at an agreed rate of interest. A long-term plan could be investing in
land, starting a business or investing in the money market.
4. Have clear rules
within your group
Your Chama should have rules for everything. These can
include rules about defaulting on monthly payments, rules about lateness when
attending meetings, and other rules the members deem necessary to regulate the
operations of the group. The rules will help every member to be serious and
more committed.
5. Do your research
There is a lot to be read online about successful investment
groups, and how they came into being. Did
you know your Chama could also be an investment group? Research on the
Internet and find out how successful
Chamas operate and how they have grown their investments. You could also get
information from friends and
colleagues on how their Chamas operate.
6. Be innovative
Your Chama does not have to be the same as the Chama next
door, the reason being the members are not the same. Identify the strengths of
members and use them to improve your Chama. You could choose to start a
mentorship program for young girls. You could support a children’s home. Come
up with ideas that will make your Chama stand out from the rest.
It is common knowledge that when women put their heads
together, they do much more than they would as individuals. As you form your
Chama, have this in mind. Do not just start a Chama to get rich and make your
life better, think about how you can influence the community around you. That
way your Chama will certainly make sense.
Our Guest Author is a part-time
teacher working in Ruiru and Nairobi, though she lives in Thika.
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