Meet Chaos Deah A Jack of All trades: Dancehall artist,music producer,thespian and choreographer
1. Did you grow up in Thika?
I was born and raised in Thika as a matter of fact this question rekindles my child hood memories anybody who knows Katirika,KaUti,Hunto,Mashuti, can relate to this; man these are the activities that shaped my childhood. I schooled in Thika too my primary school was Muslim Primary next to the Mosque. I went to Broadway High School for my high school education at the heart of Kiandutu basically am a 237ner to the core.
2.What do you love about Thika?
Thika is an entertainment hub look around you and every day there are clubs, hotels, and so on spurning out, lots of events are being held all over this town.
Thika is a vibrant town, I kid you not it has created space to some of the underground artists who are talented and I say this with lot's of confidence because I know am a musician and I get to interact with them when am producing their tracks or when on stage. We also have learning institutions ranging from middle level colleges to universities so this is one hell of a town. The infrastructure is slowly changing how the town looks with the construction of storey buildings around this is set to change how the town looks. Though major industries were shut down or down sized Thika still prides herself with a few famous ones whose presence has offered employment opportunities to the residents.
3.What would you like to change about Thika?
As an entertainer or somebody in the music industry the first thing I would like to promote Thika based artists from all across the genres be it music, acrobats, I wish I could go a step further and launch a Tv station that would promote their content because it hurts me that as an artist I have to travel all the way to a county such as Nairobi to push these mainstream media houses to play my track, there is a lot of talented individuals in this town.
4. As a Dance Hall artist how is it working in Thika? Is Thika open to what you do or what could be better?
Well Thika has a dance hall fan base, it is a culture alot of my fans don't understand my lyrics maybe its because I have infused a little bit of patios but they will always come over and tell me that you know what that jam made me feel I want to dance till the end of the world. What I'd advice a lot of up and coming artists is try and be original if you imitate somebody else's style you risk being labelled as an amateur that is what I like to see change in terms of music.
5.If you had a friend coming in from outside the Thika what three things would you say to sell them the idea that Thika is worth visiting.
I'd tell them to come and experience the entertainment scene don't get me wrong but all work no play makes Chaos a dull boy, we also have some of the best and yet to be discovered recording studios such as my very own Bingi Records so if you him or her is a musician and is talented why not visit Thika and record an album finally the fact that it is still an industrial town that automatically offers them an opportunity to secure some form of employment.
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Check out his story by visiting our sister page Humans Of Thika
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