Police in Muguga, Thika East District, are pursuing three men who robbed a lorry driver and his conductor off money on Saturday. The two were in a lorry transporting manure from Usweni in Kilimambogo to Makongeni in Thika when a gang ambushed them at 3am at night.
It is alleged that the driver stopped at Muguga Trading Centre after they found the road blocked with huge stones before three men emerged from the bush. Armed with a home-made gun as others wielded machetes, the thugs ordered them out of the vehicle, forced them to lie on the ground they had and took away their variables and money.
The driver lost Sh3,000 and a jacket while his conductor lost Sh10,500.
Officers on patrol from Munyu Administration Police post rescued the two and pursued the attackers who escaped into nearby bushes.
The area police have urged the public to practice community policing and volunteer with any information that will lead to the arrest of the criminals.
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