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The residents of Kisii Estate have so much to thank the County Government of Kiambu for coming to their rescue as far as the road infrastructure in the area is concerned. Roads in the estate have been a real thorn in the flesh for this residents for quite a while, especially during the rainy seasons when most of these roads are rendered impassible.
 The worst affected are the road near Mid Oil Petrol Station that divides Bus Park and Kisii Estate and the one that lead you to The Stepping Stones Academy. These two streets have been turning into a pond whenever it rained leaving the people living around those areas with no alternative but to either wade through the dirty water or walk round long routes to access their homes.

This morning when the Thika Town Today crew visited the estate, we pounced on a fleet of heavy trucks loaded with murram soil offloading it on the roads ready for leveling. The few people we talked to were so happy about this new development and were very optimistic that the water logging problem on these roads would be a thing of the past.

"It has been a big problem here when it rains. We are usually forced to walk long distances to get home and sometimes we are forced to wade through this water. I worry much when my small girl is going to school because I fear she might slip and drown in this water," said one lady we interviewed.

However, they called on the county government to go a step further and do the drainage. It is alleged that some tenants are forced to vacate their homes during rainy seasons since rain water overflows into their houses and sometimes rises as high as  their knees.

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