Government Challenged to offer institutions of higher learning some incentives for research

The government has been urged to introduce incentives to research for training institutions if Kenya is to achieve global competitiveness in innovation and creativity. 

Speaking during the Nairobi Education and Career Fare at the Sarit Center, Mount Kenya University (MKU) Pro-Chancellor Dr. Vincent Gaitho said that globalisation demanded investment in education and skills development so to make an impact and stay afloat. He noted that research and innovation was key in bolstering a country's economy, hence the need for introduction of incentives in the field.

The forum was jointly organised by Express Communication Limited and the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA).

"Investment in education and skills' development are key drivers of economic growth and global competition. The proficiencies we acquire through training impart and improve labour productivity and competitiveness," said Dr. Gaitho.

While emphasising on Kenya's Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) education programme and the need to improve education policies, the professor said noted that this played a pivotal role in determining a nation's global competitiveness.

"In an increasingly inter-connected and -driven world, countries must equip their citizens with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in a highly competitive global economy," Dr Gaitho stated.

Meanwhile, 40 students from MKU Parklands Law Campus have taken part in a recent regional moot court competition held in Rwanda where they showcased their legal prowess and emerged victorious. MKU school of Law has also participated at the Manfred Lachs International space law moot court competition held in Pretoria, South Africa.

In order to boost to students’ welfare initiatives, the campus increased its fleet of buses to address the pressing need for reliable transportation in support of various academic and extracurricular activities. The bus will play a crucial role in facilitating student participation in prestigious events such as moot court competitions, where the campus has demonstrated remarkable success.

Moreover, the bus will efficiently enable student clubs like Red Cross, Wakili wa Watoto, and KMUN to engage in legal clinics, community service and advocacy efforts.

During the handing over ceremony, Ms. Judy Ngayu, Associate Dean of Students, commended the University administration for their foresight in prioritizing student welfare. She emphasised the transformative impact the bus would have on student life, allowing for greater access to academic resources and extracurricular opportunities.

Ms. Ngayu expressed her gratitude to the university management for their unwavering support and commitment to enhancing the student experience at MKU Parklands Law Campus.

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