By Jaymo Wa Thika
Over the past few days, there has been so much talk about hawking
and the mushrooming informal business structures within Thika town vis a vis
the Kiambu County government’s directive that they be relocated away from the
CBD to allow formal business entities to breathe and thrive.
Some people view hawkers as nuisances
due to their “improper” location, creating a wide range of spatial problems
including congestion, hygeine and cleanliness among others. As we all
are aware, hawkers position themselves along major arteries, nodes of shopping
and employment, commercial areas such as shopping complexes, landmark areas
such as schools, hospitals, offices and market areas.
These are all strategic locations. Consumers
choose street hawkers due to the accessible distances to their place of
residence and work.
One thing is certain though, the town has turned into one
disorderly concrete slum and something needed to be done to restore order
within the CBD. These informal
traders have been one of the main reasons for the traffic congestion as they
attract buyers, with the narrow roads adding to the woes of the pedestrians and
On Tuesday, 11th October 2022, you, Governor Kimani
Wamatangi met hawkers, food and fruits vendors, as well as formal business
entities at the Thika Sub-County Hall to discuss the way forward over the
impasse. Among the temporary measures derived from that meeting included
allowing street vendors to sell their wares beginning 6pm as the county
Government sort a permanent and more sustainable solution to this very thorny
It was agreed that all (both informal and formal traders) had the
right to earn some decent living, as long as none infringed on the rights of
the other. It is on this light that I have opted to write this open letter to H.E.
the governor, hoping that my two-cent idea might help to unravel this puzzle
and create a win-win business situation for all.
As we are all aware by now, “the Hustler Nation” survives by working in the informal sector. For this lot, hawking is one of the means of earning a livelihood, as it requires minimal financial input and the skills involved are low.
The reason why hawkers storm busy streets is to capitalise on
impulse buying and easing the burden of potential customers from going “long”
distances to buy what they need. Hawkers also provide a one-stop shopping
scenario where one can buy almost everything they need at one particular
They follow clients and will feel lost if confined in places where
human traffic is low.
Majority of the urban setups prevent any type of vending on the streets or uncontrolled construction of business structures within the CBD. The local government is therefore obliged to make adequate provisions for constructing, altering and maintaining public streets and markets and provide suitable places for vending.
You, my governor, promised to allocate all these traders in
places where they could make good sales and make it unattractive for them to
get back into the streets. This can be easier said than done since hawkers capitalise
on human flow and it might prove tricky considering being in a set marketplace
away from the normal routes people use to get home or to these busy places
might significantly reduce their sales.
However, such challenges can be overcome by introducing some stimulus to attract human traffic such as allocating matatu termini next to the set markets. Another enhancer to doing good business for these hawkers is zoning these markets into units that sell specific types of products eg vegetable zones, fruits zones, utensils zones, clothing zones and so on and so forth.
This way, word will go round that if one wants a particular item, they are guaranteed of
getting it in plenty in a particular zone.
The fear of hawkers losing business will therefore be needless as the buyers will know the specified area from where the hawkers will be operating, rather than mixing up all types of businesses to a point of confusion.
The zoning principal has worked so well for Madaraka Market in Makongeni for instance, where people travel far and wide to buy greens and farm produce as they are guaranteed of getting them there in plenty. It is the same principal that has made Gikomba market so popular (mitumba), so is Eastleigh, Kamukunji, River Road and Grogan Markets in Nairobi where people frequent to buy specific items. In all these markets, distance is not a hindrance. The driving factor is the knowledge that one is guaranteed of getting what they would want to buy.
In all these zones, traders don’t have to struggle much looking for customers but customers go looking for them in their specific product zones, thus leading to more sales.
The hawkers may face some hiccups in the early stages but once the zones are established, their business will flourish.
Your county
government should provide them with stalls, if possible, complexes, trading
sites and other essential facilities that help to boost their participation. This can be
possible if your government plans well and collects data on the
actual number of vendors for proper planning.
Undoubtedly, street vendors play a
very vital role in the urban economy as suppliers of cheap goods to the public
while maintaining their importance as a channel of multi-retailers, behaving
like supermarkets or department stores though at a lower level. Relocating
them and the attempt to formalise their activities should be carried out
with greater attention to the needs and demands of the public, accessibility
and convenience.
I believe in your able leadership that is devoid of populism and that you will solve this problem once and for all as we gear towards making Thika a Smart Industrial City.
Thank you sir.
Regards Jaymo Wa Thika
Well put