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Raila Odinga unveils his August 9 campaign team

As the race to State House enters the homestretch, Azimio La Umoja has unveiled its August 9 polls campaign team for both presidential and regional campaigns.

Peter Kenneth, Junet Mohammed, Kanini Kega and Mishi Mboko among 11-member team appointed to lead Azimio Presidential campaign team.

This team will be led by Raila Odinga and his running mate Martha Karua.

Others in the team are;- Carol Karugu, Phillip Pande, Opiyo Wandayi, Richard Onyonka, Babu Owino, Caleb Amisi and Maina Kamanda.


Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu will lead the Team Women A which comprises of Beatrice Elachi, Rachel Shebesh, Rosa Buyu, Beatrice Askul, Fatuma Gedi and Judy Pareno.

Gladys Wanga will Team Women B which comprises of Jerusha Mong’ina, Naisula Lesuuda, Naomi Shabban, Florence Mwangangi and Janet Ongera.

IG Ngugi will spearhead the Team Youth A comprising of Hezena Lemeyatian, Dennis Mbada, Alex Matere, Ivy Muchoki, Antony Manyara, Advice Mundaro, Solomon Kuria and Charles Dienya.

Team Youth B will have Philip Pande to lead Janet Ruthuku, Leah Thanji, Irene Kendi, Dennis Njeru, James Mwangi, Evelyne Timpiyian, John Ketora Benson Odako and Sasha Wamae.

Mt Kenya Region

Peter Munya, Sabina Chege and Lee Kinyanjui will lead the team from Mt. Kenya Region comprising of Jamleck Kamau, Ephraim Maina, Priscilla Nyokabi, Ngunjiri Wambugu, Ndiiritu Muriithi, James Nyoro, Aloyce Kuria, Francis Kimemia, Jeremiah Kioni, Waithera Muitherania, Esther Gathogo, Gladys Chania, Kabando Wa Kabando, Ruth Mwaniki, Damaris Waiganjo and Rubenson Kibiru.


Nairobi will be led by Tim Wanyonyi and Rachael Shebesh. Others forming the Narobi team include;- Polycarp Igathe, Edwin Sifuna, Babu Owino, Dennis Waweru, Tom Kajwang’, Antony Aluoch, Jalang’o, George Aladwa, Esther Passaris, Mercy Gakuya, Ann Kananu, Richard Ngatia, Elizabeth Ongoro and Beatrice Kwamboka.


Mombasa Team will be led by Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho. The team comprises of Granton Samboja, Suleiman Shabhal, Gideon Mung’aro, Joyce Lay, Omar Boga, Boy Juma Boy, Steward Madzayo, Abdulswamad Shariff, Zuleikha Hassan, Fikirini Jacob, Prof. Boga, Teddy Mwambire, Khadija Ngala and Naomi Shaban.


Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya and Eugene Wamalwa will lead Western Kenya Region.

Others in the team are;- Wafula Wamunyinyi, David Eseli, George Khaniri, Ayub Savula, Caleb Amisi, David Eseli, Gearge Natembeya, Caleb Amisi, Emmanuel Wangwe, Sospeter Ojaamong, Wycliffe Wangamati, Wilber Otichillo, Paul Otuoma, Florence Mutua and Geoffrey Osotsi.


Team Ukambani is under the stewardship of Makueni Governor Kivutha Kibwana. He will be deputised by Rachel Nyamai, Nzioka Waita, Mutua Katuku, Seth Kakusye, Mwenge Mutuse and Alex Nganga.

The Maa Region will be led by Kajiado Governor Joseph Ole Lenku. Others in the Maa team include Ledama Ole Kina, Moitalel Ole Kenta, Memusi Kanchori, Judy Pareno, Billy Konchella, David Nkedienye, Tiwaine Ole Nchoe, Gideon Konchella and Lydia Ntimama.

Rift Valley

Stephen Tarus leads a team of Rift Valley leaders who comprise of Joshua Kuttuny, Stephen Tarus, Nick Salat, John Lonyangapuo, Samuel Poghisio, John Munyes, David Pkosing, Beatrice Askul, Jeremiah Lomorukai, Kipkorir Arap Menjo, Silas Kiplagat Kataron, Andrew Kiplangat Kiprengesha, Paul Sang, Ronald Ngeny and Peter Chelang’a.


The Nyanza team is led by James Ongwae, John Mbadi and Simba Arati. Others in the team include;- Cornel Rasanga, Peter Kaluma, Millie Odhiambo, Gladys Wanga, Ochillo Ayacko, Mark Nyamita, Tom Ojienda, James Orengo, Jimmy Angwenyi, Rosa Buyu, Dr. James Nyikal, Ambrose Ngare, Magaiwa, Abedi Marowa, Samuel Nyangweso and Okong’o Omogeni.

Team Northern Eastern (Wajir, Garissa, Mandera, Isiolo & Marsabit)

This team is led by Ukur Yattan and Feisal Abbas. Others who constitute this team are;- Jillo Falana, Osman Hassan, Abdul Haji, Ali Roba, Ali Korane, Ahmed Abdullahi, Fatuma Gedi, Nathif Jama, Adan Keynan, Hassan Noor, Fatuma Dullo, Rahma Jaldesa, Jilo Falana, Adennoor Mohamed Hassan, Isacko Galgalo and Mohamed Salim.


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