MKU VC Deogratius Jaganyi ( left) exchanges performance contract for MKU 2022 with Peter Waweru, Principal Students and Alumni Affairs after the signing ceremony held at MKU Main Campus, Thika
Mount Kenya University (MKU), has signed performance contracts with its staff members following what the varsity administration describes as an excellent execution of roles by all workers in a difficult social and economic environment as the Covid-19 pandemic raged last year.
The chairman of the University Council, Prof David Serem, says the performance contracts will be the blueprint of the institution’s day-to-day operations as a university community. “Going by the past performance contracts which we have signed in the last two years, and given the outcomes that have been recorded, our team is in the category of high achievers,” he noted.
He spoke during the signing ceremony for the 2022 performance contract by the Vice-Chancellor Prof Deogratius Jaganyi and top officers who report to him. “Today, we are signing the 2022 performance contracts, which will be cascaded downwards to all members of staff with the aim of attaining the synergetic output,” the VC said.
Prof Jaganyi assured the university council that his administration is committed to drive the strategic agenda as stipulated in the university blueprint; 2020 – 2029 Strategic Plan.
The VC said last year’s quarterly monitoring and evaluation was fruitful as it helped the institution to ensure it kept on track of achieving the strategic agenda that is in line with the 2020 – 2029 strategic plan. “Our performance contract is unique as it is not individual-based but team-based,” he added.
“I urge all the staff to work as a team as Ryunosuke Satoro said: “Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean,” the VC said.
Dr Vincent Gaitho, Pro-Chancellor at MKU who is also the vice-chairman of the University Council, said the institution’s commitment to quality services is displayed through the performance contracting process. “It affirms our strong position globally as an Institution that recognizes and promotes adoption of competitive strategies in delivery of services driven by performance,” he said.
Gaitho applauded the MKU fraternity for adopting and actualising the process that saw the college register positive results on service quality and efficiency last year.
Performance contracting enables officers, among other things, target their resources to the identified priorities as anchored in the institution’s Strategic Plan 2020-2029. “It enhances efficiency of the processes and systems and helps nurture a self-driven culture of performance in the university,” he added.
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