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Residents demand answers over "missing" newborn at Thika Level 5 Hospital.

Police in Thika had to be deployed at Thika Level 5 Hospital on Wednesday afternoon to quell possible ugly confrontations after some Kiandutu residents stormed the facility demanding answers to a case of a newborn child whom they claimed missed mysteriously immediately after birth.

The residents were protesting about the manner in which the hospital administration handled a case where on of their lost a newborn baby after the mother gave birth through cesarean section only to be told that she was dead.

According to the father, Joel Maina, everything was okay and there seemed to be no signs of a stillbirth on that material day.

The baby seemed okay and played well in its mother's womb on Friday. But when I came back the following day, I only found the mother without the child. She was still unconscious and we could not talk, he explained.

He expressed his disappointment with the hospital administration who he accused of taking him in circles whenever he demanded for answers.

Maina now wants to view the body of his child and DNA tests done to ascertain the hospital's explanation in relation to its death.

“When my wife was admitted, the infant was playing in the mother’s womb. She was taken to theatre for CS operation, and I hear the child was born well. When I visited on Saturday, the hospital blocked me at the gate despite identifying myself, he lamented.
Despite the mysterious death of his kid, Maina also has to bear the pain of seeing his wife Angelina Wanjue fight for life at the intensive care unit after developing complications when undergoing caesarian section.

He alleged that no one in the hospital bothered to inform him that the wife had to undergo CS during delivery, despite leaving his contacts at the hospital.

“On Sunday, they still blocked me only to force my way to the hospital on Monday to find my unconscious wife in need of another operation. They told me to sign documents which I obliged to save her as her condition was worsening,” he added.

Responding to these allegations, Medical Superintendent Dr. Jesse Ngugi said that this was a stillbirth and the body was at General Kago Road Funeral Home.

He sighted COVID-19 regulations as some of the reason why Maina could not access the facility as much as he would have wanted.

He added that they were doing everything possible to make sure the woman recovers.
“The child was a still birth and the woman developed high sugar levels after the CS operation that is why he was taken to theatre again,” said the Med Sup.

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