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Thika MP mourns the death of a devoted civil servant, promises to assist family get his reparation.

Late Alex Mwangi Kaburu
Thika Town MP Eng. Patrick Wainaina has lamented about the heart-wrenching plight that majority of Kenyan families undergo in government offices while pursuing the pension left behind by deceased civil servants.

While speaking when he went to console colleagues and relatives of the Late Alex Mwangi Kaburu who was the immediate Thika East Assistant County Commissioner 1 (ACC 1), Wainaina said that majority of these delays were deliberate as unscrupulous civil servants sought for kickbacks to trigger their processing.

“This country has enough laws governing the transfer of such benefits to the next of kin. Other than cases where there is some family disagreement over who should benefit, most of the delays are artificial as corrupt public servants seek for bribes,” he said.

He promised to assist, where possible, to ensure that the family of the late Kaburu did not undergo this suffering once they commenced the process to follow up his reparation.

Thika Town MP Eng. Patrick Wainaina signing the condolence book for the Late Alex Kaburu. He is flanked by Thika East DCC Thomas Sankei (extreme left) and other senior officials of his office.
He described the late ACC as a dedicated civil servant who was very proactive in executing his duties especially in the empowerment of the youth in Thika East Sub-County.

“He was so passionate in ensuring the youth get into clusters and do productive work so as to deter them from engaging in crime and other social vices,” explained the legislator.

On his part, Thika East Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) Thomas Sankei describe his junior as a very dependable civil servant who served wananchi with diligence and total dedication.

“Alex was very instrumental in service delivery especially in the issue of the youth and achieving the government’s Big 4 Agenda goals. We shall really miss him because of his expertise and ability to coordinate various issues,” said Sankei.

The deceased fell ill last Tuesday and rushed to hospital where he died while undergoing treatment at Nairobi West Hospital.

He will be buried on Tuesday 16th July 2019 at their rural home in Nanyuki.

Kaburu has served in many stations across the country. He has served as the ACC 1 Thika East for the last three years.

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