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Thika Business Community condemn KNUT's January strike threat

Thika District Business Association (TDBA) Chairman Mr. Alfred Wanyoike in a file photo.
Thika business community has has appealed to teachers to reconsider their plans to go on strike next week as announced by their umbrella body the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) saying it will adversely affect learners.

In a statement, the Thika District Business Association (TDBA) Chairman Mr. Alfred Wanyoike described the teachers' action as uncalled for and not in public interest.

"We, the (Thika) business community and as parents condemn and oppose the KNUT initiated  teachers' strike on 2nd January 2019 with the strongest terms possible. Our schools academic calendar shall not be disrupted by the so called KNUT for their selfish and political interests," read part of the statement.

Wanyoike vowed to ensure all learners opened school as scheduled and expected all teachers to report on duty as per their mandated.

"Its very clear that Teachers Service Commission (TSC) can do without KNUT but KNUT can't do without TSC. We are supporting TSC and the national government on this one," he added.

He instead appealed to teachers to initiate dialogue with their employer as the children continued with their learning.

He also challenged the Mt. Kenya region KNUT officials to publicly declare their position on the matter.

KNUT Secretary General Wilson Sossion called for a national teachers' boycott after the union differed with their employer over various issues among them teachers’ transfers, poor working conditions and introduction of Teacher Professional Development (TPD) policies without stakeholder participation

At least 3,094 primary and secondary head teachers have been transferred.

Last week, Labour Cabinet Secretary Ukur Yatani appointed a special committee to mediate between KNUT and TSC over looming strike January 3, 2018. 

The mediation team, which is led by Labour Relations Officer Charles Maranga, will address concerns raised by the KNUT regarding teachers' promotions, transfers and performance appraisals. 

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