13 shocking effects on your body when You Stop Having Sex.
You may be going through a dry spell in your relationship or
you are single and short of quality ‘prayer partners’. Whatever the reason,
forced abstinence isn’t fun.
We can all agree sex is great but it is a fact that today's generation may be having far less sex
in comparison to the previous ones. A sex drought is an emotional
whirlwind. But how can not having sex affect your body?
There are numerous advantages to having a good sex life.
Having regular sex is good for your health. It has all sorts of benefits, from
increased serotonin and oxytocin levels to better cardiovascular endurance. You
sleep better, you feel more relaxed and, above all, it allows for intimate
physical connection with another person.
However, there are severe drawbacks too if you stop having
sex. The consequences of not having sex for a long period of time are pretty
scary. If you stop having sex, your body reacts to that too.
Here are some of the things that happen to your body if you
stop doing it for a while…
1. You might feel more stressed
Sex helps people blow off steam. Scottish researchers found people
who abstained from sex struggled to cope with stressful situations like public
speaking, compared with those who had intercourse at least once over a 2-week
Women feel more depressed the longer they go without having
sex, reports a study in the journal Archives of Sexual
Behavior. But it may not be the lack of sex that got them down. The
researchers say some compounds found in semen—including melatonin, serotonin,
and oxytocin—may have mood-boosting benefits for women who have unprotected
intercourse. (Of course, there are plenty of drawbacks to unprotected sex, too.)
One small study from Scotland even showed that blood
pressure reactivity to stress was lower among people who had had intercourse
than those who abstained. During sex, the brain releases ‘feel-good’ chemicals, such as endorphins
and oxytocin, which help you feel more at ease.
2. Your immune system weakens
Regular sex is correlated with a better functioning immune
system. It is an immune-system booster, increasing your ability to fight off
illness. Researchers at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania found that
people who engage in regular coitus have a higher concentration of antibodies
than those who aren’t getting any booty.
In another study, participants who reported having sex
regularly (at least once per week) were found to have higher levels of an
important immunoglobin that is known to increase resistance to illnesses like
the common cold.
A strong immune system means you will get sick less often,
and when you do get sick, it won’t take as long for you to feel better.
3. The risk for cancer increases.
Prostate cancer is one of the serious forms of cancer among
men. According to the statistics, around 1 in 7 men in their lifetime will
be diagnosed with a prostate cancer. It is also the third leading
cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States of America.
Not having sex for a longer period of time will further
increase the risk of a prostate cancer. A study presented to the American
Urological Association found out that men who got it on all the time
enjoyed—along with the sex—a 20% drop in their risk for prostate cancer.
One reason? Frequent ejaculations may remove potentially harmful substances
from the prostate.
So, consider flushing out your pipe on a regular basis
to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
4. You’re more susceptible to colds and flu.
Less sex makes one
skip the immune-boosting benefits of a weekly roll in the hay.
Researchers at Wilkes-Barre University in Pennsylvania out that found people
who had sex once or twice a week enjoyed a 30% boost in immunoglobulin A (IgA),
compared with those who had sex seldom or never. IgA is one of the body’s first
lines of defense against viruses.
5. Celibacy can weaken
your bladder
Sex is great for your Kegels, the muscles that help
you hold in your wee. If you are not having it, your pelvic floor muscles could
weaken, leaving you with some dripping.
Strong Kegels won’t necessarily make your lady flower
tighter, but a stronger lady flower is a better one.
6. Your tolerance for
pain will be worse
Sex releases the neurochemical oxytocin, which aids in pair
bonding as well as pain relief. It is basically nature's aspirin. If you suffer
from chronic pain such as a bad back or regular, painful menstrual cramps, sex
and orgasm can help alleviate some of those symptoms.
Sex may help alleviate cramps during your period. The
uterus is a muscle and many women will actually have a uterine contraction when
they orgasm, which will cause the blood to expel more quickly, which will in
turn decrease menstrual cramps. Also, there may be an increase in endorphins,
which also will help with menstrual cramps. This is an unexpected benefit you
lose if you are not having sex—but fortunately, this one doesn’t require a
partner to remedy.
7. You will be more forgetful
According to research released in 2013, regular sexual
activity boosts the function of your hippocampus, an area of the brain strongly
linked to memory. Scientists believe that increased sexual activity can even
reverse the effects of aging and stress on the brain.
Basically, when you have sex often, your brain produces new
neurons, which makes it better at remembering and processing information. The
study also showed that when sex stops, the higher memory and cognitive
functions were lost, despite the presence of new neurons.
8.You will have relationship problems.
Regular communication and regular sexual intercourse are
required to maintain a healthy marital life. Not having sex takes a toll
on your happiness, closeness, and relationship security. Going without sex
in a marriage can deliver a hit to your self-esteem, engender guilt, and
decrease levels of oxytocin and other bonding hormones. It can also increase
fears that one of you will look to others for your sexual needs, which can
breed a little paranoia.
According to a study, a lower frequency of sex is one of the
major causes of divorce. Moreover, when you rarely sleep together with your
partner, the distance between you and your partner becomes greater. You will
start finding other people attractive instead of your partner.
However, this doesn’t mean a sexless couple can’t be happy. Sex
is just one expression of intimacy for couples. Kissing, handholding, and
giving compliments or unexpected gifts can help you feel connected with your
partner emotionally—even if you’re not spending time connecting
9. Men Are More Likely
To Have Erectile Dysfunction
Abstinence seems to increase the likelihood of erectile
dysfunction in men. Men who have sex infrequently are twice as likely to
experience erectile dysfunction as men who do it once a week or more,
according to a study published in the American Journal of Medicine.
The study’s authors suggest that, since the penis is a
muscle, frequent sex may help preserve potency in a similar way that physical
exercise helps maintain strength. The studies on this tend to focus on older
men, but they are all united in the conclusion that regular sexual activity has
a positive effect on a man's erections.
10. Your Libido Might
Some experts are thorough advocates for regular sexual
activity as a way of ‘stoking the
fire’ of your libido, in the belief that a period of abstinence will lessen
sexual desire over time as your body dampens hormonal response to arousal.
For some people who refrain from sex, they begin to feel
more sluggish, with less vitality and hunger for sex. When deprived of sex for
long periods of time, men have a harder time getting – and staying –
well, hard.
You can keep your engines humming by practicing some regular
11. It will become more difficult to get aroused.
It turns out that having regular sex is basically a way of
tuning up your sexual organs, and that going without for a while means they're
a bit slow to start up. Women may also struggle with arousal and lubrication
after extended periods of abstinence.
Regular friction is what keeps our juices flowing! The more
you have sex, the more you want to have sex.
Sexual health experts
point out that the lubrication process of arousal (wherein your
vagina and vulva become ‘wet’) benefits from regularity and if you stop for a
while, you might need a bit of extra help in the arousal department when you
get back in the saddle.
12. You'll lose sleep.
One of the best parts of that post-orgasmic glow is the ease
with which sleeps comes. There is nothing better than a thorough bang-sesh and
then drifting off into a happy, contented slumber.
According to WebMD, the hormone you release after sex,
prolactin, causes feelings of “relaxation and sleepiness” and if you are not
having sex, you are not releasing this hormone and therefore, sleep might not
come as easily for you.
13. Your Cardiovascular Health Might Suffer
A good sexual life is strongly linked to cardiovascular
health and entering a sex drought removes that hormonal and aerobic boost. It
may just be the case that if you take out your sexual frustration on the
treadmill, then your heart will end up healthier than it was before you stopped.
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