Thika Twilight Girls, Beggars To Be Flashed Out Of Town Soon.
Thika Deputy County Commissioner Tom Anjere has fired a warning
shot to the hookers and street beggars who have been conspicuous in Thika Town
for the last few years.
Speaking at the Thika Sub-County Stadium where he was the
chief guest at the Madaraka Day Celebrations, Anjere said that his
administration would not sit back and watch helplessly as our children went
astray and ruined their lives. Working in collaboration with the County
Government of Kiambu, local leaders, Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) and
other stakeholders, the DCC said that they would develop a programme that would
ensure that they are economically empowered to ensure that they were kept off
our streets.
“We will not allow our daughters to stand on our streets in
the guise of eking for a living. That is very shameful of us and we must stop
it. Before we talk about their welfare, they must first be off those streets. I
will draw out a programme with all stakeholders through their community social
responsibility (CSR), to see how we can collectively help them out of the
quagmire,” said the DCC.
On the issue of the disabled people who were begging on our
streets, Anjere said that his juniors were doing a census of their numbers and
soon he would convene a meeting to chart out the way forward on how best they
could be assisted.
“Majority of these PWDs have great talents and are only
seeking opportunities to exploit them for their own good. It would be a great
idea if all leaders in this region came together and came up with a lasting
solution to this issue,” he said.
On matters security, Anjere highlighted some of the steps
his office, along with the district security team have taken to arrest cases of
insecurity and the fight against illicit brews.
He cited the resurgence of the brews, appealing to the
member of public to blow the whistle whenever they suspected illegal activities
within their areas of residence.
“It is quite sad to discover that illicit brewers are using
chemicals meant to preserve corpses in preparing these booze. We have slapped a
ban on the sale of molasses in this area. We have also stated an SMS platform,
22068, to enable members of the public to send vital information to the
authorities on the security situation and suspicious activities around them,”
said Anjere.
The high number of accidents along the Thika Superhighway
was also an issue of concern especially near Blue Post Hotel. Mr. Anjere said
that they had sat down with the heads of the Ministry of Roads and
infrastructure and agreed that they will erect some speedbumps and rumble
strips along that road especially near The Del Monte Shop at Gatonye and near
Taj Garden so as to control the speed of vehicles in that dangerous section of
the road. And to ensure the safety of the motorists, police checks and patrols
would be assigned along that region.
Anjere warned on the corruption scourge among government
officials especially in the Lands Department where he said was very rampant. He
advised Thika residents never to use middle-men when transacting land deals. He
sighted Kiang’ombe and Gachagi as two of the most notorious regions where
people were being conned of their money through non-existent land.
“We are waging a war against these criminals for we won’t
allow that vice to spread to other places. We are also waging war on corrupt Lands
officials. As Kenyan, it is your right to see the lands commissioner and no one
should deny you that. I am also warning those members of public who are now
taking their corrupt instincts to the newly opened Huduma Centre. We will not
let you infect the place with your disease,” warned the DCC.
Finally, the DCC warned all those operating unlicensed quarries
that his office would take legal action against them. This is after two people
were buried alive in an unlicensed quarry near MaryHill Girls High School this
He urged them to seek authority with the environment department
so as not to risk the lives of innocent quarry workers out to eke a genuine
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